Reddit App
Use real data from Reddit API and display it using React and Redux
Build a flashcard app with React and Redux
Content Mixtape
This application will have you practice your React Context chops by setting up a Context globally to store mixtape viewing settings. It will include a dedicated wrapper component
Redux News Reader
Build a news reader app using concepts learned from middleware and managing promise lifecycle states lessons.
Codeacademy Store
Build a program that mimics Codeacademy's online store
Redux Road
Apply the core concepts of Redux to make a text-based adventure game
Appointment Planner
Keep track of contacts and appointments with React
Adopt a Pet
Add client-side routing to a pet adoption website using concepts learned from react router lessons.
Saucy Tango Food Order Form
Practice creating forms in React by building a food order form for a local restraunt.
Passing Thoughts
Practive using React Hooks to build a place for your wandering thoughts
Styling Rock, Paper, Scissors
Practice styling React applications by challenging yourself to style an application
Film Finder
Practive your knowledge of HTTP requests and asynchronous JS by building this project.
Find Your Hat
In this project you ll build an interactive command line game in JS utilizing classes and input
School Catalogue
In this project we re going to practice Classes in JS so you can hone your skills in real world.
Build A Library
In this project we re going to practice Classes in JS so you can hone your skills in real world.
Piano Keys
In this project we re going to practice building interactivity with JS
Mysterious Organism
Use your knowledge of objects to create model of deep-sea organisms for scientists to study.
Credit Card Checker
use your knowledge of array and loops to create functions that will validate credit card numbers
Sleep Debt Calculator
In this project we re going to practice functions in javascript to hone our
Dog Years
In this project we-re going to practice variable and strings in JS so you can
hone your skills.it will help you output information
The Box Model: Davie's burger
In this project we-re going to practice element positioning in CSS to hone our